How people work leads to exciting innovation in diverse economic sectors, meaning tech companies have to keep up an unrelenting output of new devices, products, and programs. These 4 businesses have created groundbreaking ways to revolutionize the workplace and make life better for both employees and employers alike!


Remember when you had to call a cab after you finished a meal? Remember when you had to obsess about when your friend was going to pick up the airport? Remember when you couldn’t get anywhere at a moment’s notice? Rideshare companies changed daily life for millions of people, but more than just the product, the “Uber-fication” of businesses created an entirely new way to work. The gig economy is synonymous with Uber’s business model, which as the most popular ridesharing company has a valuation of $68 billion. you can work when you want and at your own pace, making your own hours and your own routes through the city. It’s opened the door for countless young professionals, immigrants, and job-searchers to make some extra cash as they choose what work is right for them. That kind of innovation has spread to other fields, but Uber’s original crowdsourced driver model still leads the pack. It’s even permeated artistic culture!


This leading-edge hospital contract management software isn’t as high profile as some of the other businesses on this list, but that hasn’t stopped it from becoming one of the most innovative technologies in the healthcare world. Especially in light of the pandemic, hospitals face logistical problems beyond most people’s comprehension. Just think: everything needs to be accounted for. Everything. Every patient comes with spreadsheets worth of vitals, lab results, medicines, doses, records, preferences, allergies, and so much more. Then every nurse, physician, and staffer has their own data—from payroll to research. Then there’s billing. If navigating a personal insurance claim gives you trouble, imagine what it looks like for hundreds of filings for each one of those data points. Now imagine that every single day. It’s no wonder these sectors make billions every year.  Products like PMMC are designed to make that management easier, with sleek interfaces, easy-to-use UI, and straightforward data. As hospitals change their methods with pandemic lessons learned, they will need better management systems to keep track of everything. Companies like PMMC will be synonymous with that management. So you might not know their name now, but just ask your friends in healthcare and they’ll be sure to know soon!

Vice Media

Vice was once synonymous with war-time reporting and gritty journalism. Now, Vice Media is a multi-national media company that produces articles and short videos about culture, fashion, politics, and more. It trades in the power of storytelling, ostensibly to make the world a better place. And while they create innovative content for their audience, which includes more than 300 million people across the world, they also set the standard for how quality, underground content can actually lead the charge. This workplace environment leads them to hire employees who are extremely passionate and creative. No company sets the bar for that creativity as much as Vice. 


Aside from running two of the most popular social media platforms, a ubiquitous messaging service, and pushing virtual reality technology to new consumer heights, the company formerly known as Facebook is making waves in the workplace. People are skeptical about the idea of living in a completely digital “metaverse,” but for many analysts, the shift is inevitable. With climate change accelerating population movement and the pandemic pushing more people inside than ever before, it’s hard not to see the value of a digital landscape where you can escape reality. Sure it could be a Matrix-style hellscape where the poor live in a burnt-out husk of the earth while the rich set up new lives with impunity in the metaverse, but if you get in on the ground floor you can make the effort to stop that progression. In fact, you could even take part in Digi-activism, a new world of innovative advocacy. The workplace is changing. These days, employees are not just looking for a job, but a career. They also want to find meaning in their work and use their skills to change the world. But the digital landscape has made finding fulfilling work easier than ever. Emphasis on innovation, the gig economy, and creativity allow professionals more flexibility than ever to make the workplace their own.

4 Tech based Businesses Innovating the Way We Work - 594 Tech based Businesses Innovating the Way We Work - 144 Tech based Businesses Innovating the Way We Work - 85