Apple Gets Patent for New Synthetic Group Selfies Feature

For the new synthetic group feature, Apple has been granted a patent by the US Patent and Trademark Office. This is really interesting as the timing for this feature is very interesting as people are forced to stay home with this COVID-19 pandemic. Apple filed this patent to about two years ago with the goal to ease the process of taking a perfect group selfie that actually requires a lot of things to be in the right place. Going by the reports by 9to5Mac, the patent involves a computing device that is supposed to create a synthetic group selfie.

How Does the Synthetic Group Selfies Work?

To understand it better, let’s say that there are three different guys X, Y, and Z(very generic right!?) and all three are at different locations. Now if they want to make a group selfie that will have X, Y, and Z; this feature can be used. This will include selfies from these three from different locations. Now a computing device(most likely to be an iPhone or an iPad) will store these images in such a way that the participants could modify, rearrange the individual selfies in any way to make a synthetic group selfie. So X, Y, and Z can take a group selfie while being at different locations. Pretty cool, right? The reports also says that these individual images can include stored video images, live streaming images, or still images. So each person will take a selfie and then the background of that image will be removed. It will be sent to a phone and then all the images will be assembled in a virtual group selfie. The patent also states that the users taking part in the synthetic group selfie can also use the feature if they are nearby or they can be in the same location as well. To implement this feature, the devices are likely to use AirDrop like feature that would send all the images to one main device. So this was all about the new synthetic group selfies feature. This is not clear that when will this new feature will roll out and users will be able to use it.   (VIA) (SOURCE) Read More About Apple Announces Open Source Password Manager Resources for Developers for Better Security Apple is Working on its Own SoC for Upcoming Macs in 2021

Apple to Introduce New Synthetic Group Selfies  Will Allow Users to Take Group Selfies from Anywhere - 33